понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

The Worst Hair Day I've ever had!

It was ordinary morning and everything seemed to be okay.That's why I have nothing to worry about. The only problem was that I didn't know what I wanted:tea or coffee. That morning it was the most difficult thing for me to do. I had a full breakfast and after that I went to the University.

So, in spite of the perfect morning that day was the the worst hair day that I've ever had in my life! If You want to know why- just keep reading till the story's end. 

Well, usually I go to the Unersity by bus, but this time I decided to go to by my brother's car.I thought that he wouldn't be against it. I switched on my favourite music and started to move.Have You got any ideas  what happened next?
  As a result there was enormous traffic jam!That's why I and a lot of other people were late for their work, study, meetings or somewhere else. Just imagine, there was a great deal of angry and nervous people around me. I felt like a small defenseless sheep between hungry wolves.
While I was driving my friend called me and I was distracted by it. So I didn't  notice another car in front of me and I hit it. At the same time the car that was behind hit me. What an awful thing!!! I had spent 3 hours to solve this problem. All in all I was late for my study and I didn't write very important exam!So, I didn't see the point of going to the University and I decided to drink a cup of bracing coffee in my favourite cafe.I was very dissapointed and my eyes were full of  tears. 

I entered into the cafe, chose the best place near big window and had a look to the menu.I chose a cup of strong coffee.To be honest, I thought that all my problems had already dissapeared, but it wasn't so easy as You might think!
The waiter had dropped the cup of coffee on me!!!He'd dropped it on my dress!I immediately created a great plan how to kill him! But he was so handsome and I saved his life. In thanks he brought me another cup and a cake.(Of course it's a joke about my plan to kill him, I had no idea to do something like this.) After that I  wanted to pay for the meal, but I couldn't find my purse in the bag!There were a plenty of thoughts in my head where it could be.The fact was that I had no money, I couldn't pay!

To sum up, in the end of that day I had a broken car, a lot of enemies, a failed exam,a dirty dress, a stolen purse and 3 unfogettable hours near the sink in my favourite cafe with a heap of  fatty plates.

It was the worst hair day in my life!!!

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